International surveys

This chapter would not be complete without examples of data that can be found and accessed for research purposes. International comparison is one of the basic methods of social sciences. Although suitable data for various comparative research intentions is often not easy to find, the production and availability of international databases is growing.


Curated web directory of international surveys

Afrobarometer is a pan-African, non-partisan research network that conducts comparative series of public attitude surveys on democracy, governance, economic conditions, civil society and related issues.

Geographical coverage

37 countries from Africa has joined the programme (rounds 1-6).

Time span

Round 7: 2016/2017-, Round 6: 2014-2015, Round 5:2011-2013, Round 4: 2008-2009, Round 3: 2005-2006, Round 2: 2002-2003, Round 1: 2001

Project Website

Data access

Merged data files, geocoded data and country data are freely available for download from the project Website ( However, there is a one year embargo after the fieldwork in the relevant country/countries. On-line data analysis is also possible at the project Website (

Applying an integrated research framework and standardized survey procedures, the Program for East Asia Democratic Studies engages in cross-national comparative survey work on socioeconomic modernisation, regime transition and democratisation, as well as changes in political values across the East Asia region.

Geographical coverage

Countries in East Asia Region; 5 countries from South Asia joined the project in Wave 2. For list of participating countries see the ABS Website.

Time span

Wave 4: 2014-2016, Wave 3: 2010-2012, Wave 2: 2005-2008, Wave 1: 2001-2003


Public opinion data on issues such as political values, democracy, governance, human security, and economic reforms.

Project website

Data access

Merged datasets from the core questionnaires are freely accessible to scholars and experts worldwide upon application; country-specific variables are not included. The application form and instructions are available at the ABS Website ( On-line analysis is possible at the ASEP/JDS Data Bank:

Americas Barometer is a periodic study of countries in the Western Hemisphere, with stratified nationally representative samples drawn in each country, a common questionnaire core, and country-specific modules. It is organised by the Latin American Public Opinion Project (LAPOP).

Geographical coverage

34 countries from Southern, Central and North America. Participating countries are listed in the documentation of particular surveys available from the project Website.

Time span

2016/17, 2014, 2012, 2010, 2008, 2006, 2004


Citizen views on system support, political tolerance, citizen participation, local government, corruption, and views on authoritarianism.

Project website

Data access

Raw country data files are freely accessible from the project Web page. Merged datasets are accessible based on subscription (institutional/individual). In addition, the data can be analysed on-line via the LAPOP's System for Online Data Analysis (SODA):

The Arab Barometer is a research network that organises public opinion surveys in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) to provide insight into the social, political, and economic attitudes and values of ordinary citizens across the Arab world.

Geographical coverage

14 countries in the Middle East and North Africa. See the project website for updated information relevant for particular waves.

Time span

Wave IV: 2016-2017, Wave III: 2012-2014, Wave II: 210-2011, Wave I: 2006-2009


Corruption, economics, extremism, gender issues, governance, international relations, political institutions, religion, social justice, youth.

Project website

Data access

Data are freely available from the project website. The on-line analysis tool is also available and allows production of descriptive statistics.

Caucasus Barometer is the annual household survey about social economic issues and political attitudes conducted by the Caucasus Research Resource Centers (CRRC).

Geographical coverage

CRRC's public databases give everyone the opportunity to understand and evaluate the social and political trends in both Georgia and the entire South Caucasus (Armenia, Azerbaijan). See the project website for information relevant for certain waves.

Time span

Wave 8: 2017, Wave 7: 2015, Wave 6: 2013, Wave 5: 2012, Wave 4: 2011, Wave 3: 2010, Wave 2: 2009, Wave 1: 2008


Socio-economic issues, political attitudes.

Project website


Data access

Data are freely available from the project website. The Online Data Analysis tool (ODA) is also available to ease access to its empirical data about the South Caucasus.

The Comparative National Elections Project (CNEP) is a partnership among scholars who have conducted election surveys across the democratic world.

Geographical coverage

52 surveys in 27 different countries on 5 continents, with multiple election surveys in 15 countries.

Time span



Personal discussion networks, use of the mass media (television, newspapers, radio, and various electronic sites), political information from associations, contacts by political parties, socio-political values, attitudes towards democracy, civic participation, the integrity of the electoral process, and voting behaviour in the most recent election.

Project website

Data access

Data from all of the surveys conducted through 2012 are freely available to the general public, as is a merged file containing data from 26 national election surveys. Surveys conducted within the past five years have been reserved in a password-protected file for use by the CNEP principal investigators located in over two dozen countries. As each dataset reaches the end of the fifth year of this embargo, it will be transferred into the publicly available file for general use.

The CSES is a collaborative program of research among election study teams from around the world. Participating countries and provinces include a common module of survey questions in their post-election studies.

Geographical coverage

Around 40 countries from all over the world. See the project Website for information relevant for particular waves.

Time span

Module 5: 2016-2021, Module 4: 2011-16, Module 3: 2006-2011, Module 2: 2001-2006, Module 1: 1996-2001


Behaviour and attitudes during the time of a national election, with a special emphasis on voting and turnout, the context of the overall country and electoral system within which the respondents find themselves.

Project website

Data access

Registration is required in order to obtain the data. The dataset download is of no cost.

EASS (East Asian Social Survey) is a biennial social survey project that purports to produce and disseminate academic survey data sets in East Asia. As a cross-national network of GSS-type surveys in East Asia, EASS is dedicated to the promotion of comparative studies on diverse aspects of social lives in East Asia.

Geographical coverage

China, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan.

Time span

Module 4: 2012, Module 3: 2010, Module 2: 2008, Module 1: 2006


Social Capital, Health, Culture, Family.

Project website

Data access

Access to study descriptions, method reports, questionnaires, and other related documentations is free and does not require registration. However, users must go through data access procedures (registration and filling in the data request form) to obtain the dataset.

Eurobarometer is a series of public opinion surveys conducted on behalf of the European Commission. The surveys address a wide range of issues relevant to the European Union and its member states. There are several sections:

  • Standard Eurobarometer
    The Standard EB is an overall cross-national longitudinal study providing comparison within the EU countries as for the trends.
  • Special Eurobarometer
    Special EB is based on in-depth thematic studies carried out for various services of the European Commission or other EU Institutions and integrated in the Standard Eurobarometer's polling waves.
  • Flash Eurobarometer
    Flash EB consists of ad hoc thematic telephone interviews conducted at the request of any service of the European Commission. Flash surveys enable the Commission to obtain results relatively quickly and to focus on specific target groups, as and when required.
  • Qualitative Barometer
    The qualitative studies consist of in-depth investigations of the motivations, feelings and reactions of selected social groups towards a given subject or concept. The researchers use discussion groups or non-directive interviews to listen to selected social groups and to analyse their way of expression themselves.

Geographical coverage

Members of the EU.

Time span



A broad scope of special topics, such as agriculture, biotechnology, energy, environment, gender roles, immigration, information society, knowledge of foreign languages, poverty and social exclusion, public health, regional identity, science and technology, working conditions, urban traffic etc.

Project website

Data access

Eurobarometer primary data and related documentation (questionnaires, codebooks, etc.) are made available by GESIS, ICPSR and through the Social Science Data Archive networks. See, e.g., Eurobarometer at GESIS: The data are downloadable for free after registration.

The European Company Survey (ECS) has been carried out under the patronage of Eurofound every four years since its inception in 2004-2005 as the European Establishment Survey on Working Time and Work-Life Balance (ESWT).

Geographical coverage

27 EU member states along with Croatia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), Iceland, Montenegro and Turkey. See the project Website for information relevant for particular waves.

Time span

Wave 4: 2019, Wave 3: 2013, Wave 2: 2009, Wave 1: 2004


Company policies, company practices, growth, sustainability, social dialogue, work, flexibility, working time, work-life balance, pay, financial participation, human resource.

Project website

Data access

Eurofound’s survey datasets are made available no later than two years after fieldwork completion. The Eurofound datasets are stored with the UK Data Service (UKDS) in Essex. Registration is required to obtain the dataset. It is also possible to visualise, explore and compare EU and country data on working conditions, quality of work and work-life balance in an interactive data visualisation tool:

The European Election Studies (EES) are about electoral participation and voting behaviour in European Parliament elections. European Election Studies include more components than the post-election surveys among representative samples of voters. These additional components include content analyses of party manifestos ('Euromanifestos'), elite surveys and content analyses of media news.

Geographical coverage

Around 24 EU member-countries. See the project Website for information relevant for particular waves.

Time span

Wave 8: 2014, Wave 7: 2009, Wave 6: 2004, Wave 5: 1999, Wave 4: 1994, Wave 3: 1989, Wave 2: 1984, Wave 1: 1979


Evolution of an EU political community and a European public sphere, citizens’ perceptions of and preferences about the EU political regime, and with their evaluations of EU political performance.

Project website

Data access

The data and documentation associated with the EES study components are available for download, with a few exceptions, at the Data Archive of GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences: The data are downloadable for free after registration.

The European Quality of Life Surveys (EQLS) is a unique, pan-European survey which examines both the objective circumstances of European citizens' lives and how they feel about the circumstances and their lives in general.

Geographical coverage

Wave 4: 28 Member states and five candidate countries: Albania, FYR Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey; Wave 3: 28 Member states and five candidate countries: Albania, FYR Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey; Wave 2: 31 countries: 27 EU Member States, Croatia, FYR Macedonia, Turkey and Norway; Wave 1: 28 countries: 27 EU Member States and Turkey.

Time span

Wave 4: 2016, Wave 3: 2011-2012, Wave 2: 2007-2008, Wave 1: 2003


Employment, income, education, housing, family, health and work-life balance. It also looks at subjective topics, such as people's levels of happiness, how satisfied they are with their lives, and how they perceive the quality of their societies.

Project website

Data access

Eurofound’s survey datasets are made available no later than two years after fieldwork completion. The Eurofound datasets are stored with the UK Data Service (UKDS) in Essex. Registration is required to obtain the dataset. It is also possible to visualise, explore and compare EU and country data on working conditions, quality of work and work-life balance in an interactive data visualisation tool:

The European Social Survey (ESS) is an academically driven cross-national survey that has been conducted across Europe every two years since 2002. The survey measures the attitudes, beliefs and behaviour patterns of diverse populations in more than thirty nations.

Geographical coverage

See ESS Website:

Time span

Biennially since 2002.


Longitudinal social monitoring. Each ESS questionnaire consists of two main parts – a core module and rotating modules. The core module focus on a range of different themes that are largely the same in each round. The rotating modules are dedicated to a round specific themes, which are sometimes repeated in later rounds of the ESS. Topics of the core module: media and social trust, media and social trust, politics, subjective well-being, gender, household, socio demographics, human values. Rotating modules (2002-2016): immigration, citizen involvement, health and care, economic morality, family work and well-being, timing of life, personal well-being, welfare attitudes, ageism, justice, democracy, social inequalities in health, public attitudes to climate change

Project website

Data access

The data are available from the project website without restrictions after registration, for not-for-profit purposes. There are both possibilities, direct download of national and merged data as well as on-line analysis and downloads at the ESS Nesstar server.

The European Values Study is a large-scale, cross-national, and longitudinal survey research program on basic human values. It provides insights into the ideas, beliefs, preferences, attitudes, values and opinions of citizens all over Europe. It is a unique research project on how Europeans think about life, family, work, religion, politics and society. Every nine years, the survey is repeated in a variable number of countries.

Geographical coverage

Not all European countries were represented from the beginning, but the number of participating countries kept on growing until in the last 2008 wave the sample of countries exists of 47 European countries/regions. See the project website for information relevant for particular waves.

Time span

Wave 5: 2017, Wave 4: 2008, Wave 3: 1999, Wave 2: 1990, Wave 1: 1981


The European Values Study covers a wide range of human values. Examples of which topics are studied: life, family, work, religion, politics, society.

Project website

Data access

The data and documentation associated with the EVS study components are available for download, with a few exceptions, at the Data Archive of GESIS : The data are downloadable for free after registration.

European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS) has provided an overview of working conditions in Europe since its launch in 1990. It is a regularly repeated pan-European surveys contributing to the planning and establishment of better working conditions. The survey offers a unique source of comparative information on the quality of working conditions across the EU.

Geographical coverage

EWCS takes place in EU members the number of which has been growing since the beginning of the survey in 1990, and also in some EFTA (European Free Trade Association) countries. See the project website for information relevant for particular waves.

Time span

Wave 6: 2015, Wave 5: 2010, Wave 4: 2005, Wave 3: 2000, Wave 2:1995/96, Wave 1: 1990/91


Employment status, working time duration and organisation, work organisation, learning and training, physical and psychosocial risk factors, health and safety, work-life balance, worker participation, earnings and financial security, as well as work and health.

Project website

Data access

Eurofound’s survey datasets are made available no later than two years after fieldwork completion. The Eurofound datasets are stored with the UK Data Service (UKDS) in Essex. Registration is required to obtain the dataset. It is also possible to visualise, explore and compare EU and country data on working conditions, quality of work and work-life balance in an interactive data visualisation tool:

Gallup delivers analytics and advice to help leaders and organizations solve their most pressing problems. The Gallup World Poll exists to help change the world by finding out what each of the world's 7 billion+ citizens think, feel and desire.

Geographical coverage

More than 160 countries.

Time span

2005-present. Gallup conducts World Poll surveys on a semiannual, annual, and biennial frequency that is determined on a country-by-country basis.


Business and economics, citizen engagement, communications and technology, education and families, environment and energy, food and shelter, government and politics, health, law and order, religion and ethics, social issues, well-being and work.

Project website

Data access

Gallup Analytics is an online platform that provides subscribers with access to nearly a century of U.S. data and a decade of global tracking data from the Gallup World Poll. See the list of the University institutions on the Gallup website to find out if you can access the data or fill in the contact form to find more information about subscribing options.

Global Barometer Surveys (GBS) is a collaborative research project consisting of six regional barometers. It is the first comprehensive effort to measure, at a mass level, the current social, political, and economic climate around the world. It provides an independent, non-partisan, scientific and multidisciplinary view of public opinion on a range of policy-relevant issues.

Geographical coverage

Currently, the GBS network covers 70% of the world’s population and is still expanding. The participating countries consist of countries within Asia, Africa, Southern America, Middle America and also within Europe.

Time span

Module 2: 2012-2013, Module 1: 2005-2010


Economic evaluations, trust in institutions, social capital, participation in elections, access to public service, psychological involvement, partisanship, political participation, democratic values, meaning of democracy, satisfaction with democracy, governance, corruption, regime preference, regime evaluation, internet and more.

Project website

Data access

The datasets are freely downloadable after submitting a request form:

The Generations and Gender Programme (GGP) is a Social Science Research Infrastructure that provides micro- and macro-level data which significantly improve the knowledge base for social science and policymaking in Europe and developed countries elsewhere.

Geographical coverage

Up to now, 20 countries have conducted at least one wave of data collection. See the project website for information relevant for particular waves.

Time span

Wave 2: 2008, Wave 1: 2005


The GGP survey focuses on inter-generational and gender relations between people, expressed in care arrangements and the organisation of paid and unpaid work.

Project website

Data access

The datasets can be accessed online as well as downloaded for free after registration into Nesstar:

The Global Corruption Barometer (GCB) published by Transparency International is the largest survey in the world tracking public opinion on corruption.

Geographical coverage

Worldwide. Country coverage may depend on the year and special edition. Wave 10, for example, focues on Africa and include 35 countries.

Time span

Wave 10: 2019; Wave 9: 2015/16/17, Wave 8: 2013, Wave 7: 2010/11, Wave 6: 2009, Wave 5: 2007, Wave 4: 2006, Wave 3: 2005, Wave 2: 2004, Wave 1: 2003



Project website

Data access

The datasets can be freely accessed and downloaded on the project website under the relevant survey header.

The Household Finance and Consumption Network (HFCN), which was established in December 2006, consists of survey specialists, statisticians and economists from the ECB, the national central banks of the Eurosystem and a number of national statistical institutes.

Geographical coverage

Eurozone countries.

Time span

Wave 2: 2013/15, Wave 1: 2010/11


Finances, consumption, debt, wealth distribution.

Project website

Data access

Data can be accessed by filling in the form (see the project website) and sending it to

The European Crime and Safety Survey (EU ICS) is the most comprehensive analysis of crime, security and safety ever conducted in the European Union. The survey compares levels of victimisation across the EU and measures how citizens feel about their security and safety. It analyses the relationships between the EU citizens' views on their quality of life and the levels of neighbourhood crime across the EU (the EU-15, Estonia, Poland and Hungary) - all independent of actual police records.

Geographical coverage

Surveys have been done on 80 countries and provide information about criminal victimization in 41 countries and 66 capticals from all continents.

Time span

Wave 6: 2010, Wave 5: 2004/5, Wave 4: 2000, Wave 3: 1996, Wave 2: 1992, Wave 1: 1989


Crime, victimisation.

Project website

Data access

Data are freely accessible.

The ISSP (International Social Survey Programme) is a cross-national collaboration programme conducting annual surveys on diverse topics relevant to social sciences. The ISSP was founded with the intention to conduct surveys on topics relevant to social sciences.

Geographical coverage

Currently, 45 countries are members of the ISSP.

Time span

1985-present. Annually, the modules differ every year. For more information, see the website of the project.


The list of modules comprises of: Role of Government, Social Networks, Social Inequality, Family and Changing Gender Roles, Work Orientations, Religion, Environment, National Identity, Citizenship, Leisure Time and Sports, Health and Health Care.

Project website

Data access

Data are available free of charge. The ISSP international data archive is located in GESIS, Germany: The direct link to ISSP data Web pages at GESIS is available from the project website:

Latinobarómetro is an annual public opinion survey. Latinobarómetro Corporation is a non-profit NGO based in Santiago, Chile, and is solely responsible for the production and publication of the data. Latinobarómetro Corporation researches the development of democracy and economies as well as societies, using indicators of opinion, attitudes, behaviour and values. Its results are used by social and political actors, international organizations, governments and the media.

Geographical coverage

8 Latin American countries, representing over 600 million inhabitants.

Time span

1995 - present.


Democracy, economy, communication, trust, corruption, security, crime, international relations, social fraud and more.

Project website

Data access

The data are freely available for download.

The Pew Global Attitudes surveys were launched on a regular basis in 2002. The Project has conducted a series of worldwide public opinion surveys that encompasses a broad array of subjects, ranging from people’s assessments of their own lives to their views about the current state of the world and important issues of the day.

Geographical coverage

91 countries all over the world.

Time span

2001 – present. Usually once or twice a year.


Attitudes, religion, politics, social issues and inequalities, political regimes, country images, immigration, family, media and more.

Project website

Data access

Data are available for download for free after registration on the project’s website. Typically, survey data are released two years after the reports are issued.

The Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) is a cyclical, large-scale study that was developed under the auspices of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

Geographical coverage

Wave 2: 9 countries, Wave 1: 24 countries.

Time span

Wave 2: 2014/15, Wave 1: 2011/12


Information-processing skills, literacy, numeracy and problem solving in technology-rich environments.

Project website

Data access

Data are freely available for download from the OECD PIAAC project website.

PIRLS provides internationally comparative data on how well children read by assessing students’ reading achievement. PIRLS collects considerable background information on how education systems provide educational opportunities to their students, as well as the factors that influence how students use these opportunities.

Geographical coverage

More than 60 countries.

Time span

Wave 4: 2016, Wave 3: 2011, Wave 2: 2006, Wave 1: 2001


Education, literacy, reading, learning, school climate, school resources.

Project website

Data access

A public use version of the database is available for download. A restricted use version of the PIRLS can be obtained by sending in a request form. For data downloads, visit the project website and open a relevant PIRLS tab.

The Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) is a multidisciplinary and cross-national panel database of micro data on health, socio-economic status and social and family networks.

Geographical coverage

SHARE covers 27 European countries and Israel. See the project website for information relevant for particular waves.

Time span

Wave 7: 2017, Wave 6: 2014/15, Wave 5: 2012/13, Wave 4: 2010/11, Wave 3: 2008/09, Wave 2: 2006/07, Wave 1: 2004


Health, socio-economic status, family, social networks.

Project website

Data access

The SHARE data are distributed free of charge by SHARE-ERIC (Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe – European Research Infrastructure Consortium) to registered users through the SHARE Research Data Center. See the details on the project website: .

The Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) provides reliable and timely data on the mathematics and science achievement of U.S. students compared to that of students in other countries.

Geographical coverage

More than 60 countries. See the project website for information relevant for particular waves.

Time span

Wave 6: 2015, Wave 5: 2011, Wave 4: 2007, Wave 3: 2003, Wave 2: 1999, Wave 1995


Mathematics, science.

Project website

Data access

Users who want to explore the data directly can use a plug-in application called the International Database (IDB) Analyzer. It was developed by the IEA (International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement) to deal with the complexities of the data. The International Database (IDB) Analyzer can be downloaded for free from the IEA website: Registration is required.

NCES has also developed a relatively simple, interactive online data-analysis tool called the International Data Explorer (IDE):

Gauging public opinion is an invaluable tool for policymakers, the media, think tanks and academics alike. The public opinion poll Transatlantic Trends GMF together with partners surveyed publics in Europe and the United States on issues such as foreign and security policy challenges, economic policy, and migration policy.

Geographical coverage

In 2014, the participating countries were: the United States, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, U.K., Portugal, Turkey, Spain, Sweden and Russia. See the project website for information relevant for particular waves.

Time span

Wave 6: 2014, Wave 5: 2013, Wave 4: 2011, Wave 3: 2010, Wave 2: 2009, Wave 1: 2008


Foreign policy, security, economy, migration.

Project website

Data access

The data is available for free after registration on the website Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR):

Voice of the People is an annual survey conducted by Gallup International Association to solicit public opinion on social and political issues.

Geographical coverage

About 50 countries.

Time span

2000 – 2011 with the exception of 2002, 2008, and 2010.


Governance, democracy, the environment, terrorism, global issues, health, poverty, education technology, human rights, economy.

Project website

The information was accessed in the following link

Data access

The data is available for free after registration on the website of the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR):

The World Values Survey is a global network of social scientists studying changing values and their impact on social and political life.

Geographical coverage

Around 60 countries. See the project website for information relevant for particular waves.

Time span

Wave 7: 2017/19, Wave 6: 2010/14, Wave 5: 2005/07, Wave 4: 1999/2001, Wave 3: 1995/97, Wave 2: 1990/91, Wave 1: 1981


Social values, attitudes, stereotypes, well-being, social capital, trust, organizational membership, economic values, corruption, migration, science, technology, religion, security, ethics, norms, politics, demography.

Project website

Data access

Data are accessible for online analysis on: