Adapt your DMP: part 2


This is the second of six 'Adapt your DMP' sections in this tour guide. After working on this chapter, you should be able to plan for organising and documenting your data.

To adapt your DMP, consider the following elements and corresponding questions:

  • What type(s) of data will be collected?
  • What is the scope, quantity, and format of the material?
  • What is the total amount of data collected (in MB/GB)?
  • How will you organise your data?
  • Will the data be organised in simple files or more complex databases?
  • What is your process for quality assurance? What are your quality measures?
  • Are there specific quality standards or quality management models you plan to apply?
  • Are there any specific requirements for compatibility and comparability of your data?
  • Are there specific standards that you want to implement, e.g. naming conventions or standardised coding structures?
  • Will you be creating separate files accompanying the data?
  • Will you be using a database?
  • Are the data produced and/or used in the project discoverable with metadata?
  • What metadata will you use? In case metadata standards do not exist in your discipline, please outline what type of metadata will be created and how.
  • If you already know in which data repository you will publish your data, what metadata standard do they use?

For easy reference, we have put together a list of DMP-questions for all chapters in this tour guide. You can view and download the checklist as pdf (CESSDA, 2019a) or editable form (CESSDA, 2019b), and keep them as a reference while you are studying the contents of this guide.