European diversity


Data management requirements in Europe

There are many different local, national and international DMP templates and tools that you can use to create a DMP for your own research project. At this stage, it might be good for you to check for templates or tools that best fit your own specific situation. You can ask at your university or department whether they have a DMP template. Or maybe your research funder requires a DMP in a specific format.

In the accordion below we sum up European diversity in funder requirements on Data Management Planning and provide links to DMP templates if they are available.

EU funding institution

DMP requirements

DMP template?

Horizon Europe

  • Open Science & FAIR Data
    Approved projects that take part in Horizon Europe are required to produce a DMP as a deliverable within the first six months of the project period.

    The DMP should include information on:

    • the handling of research data during and after the end of the project
    • what data will be collected, processed and/or generated
    • which methodology and standards will be applied
    • whether data will be shared/made open access and
    • how data will be curated and preserved (including after the end of the project).

Yes - download here (.docx)

European Science Foundation



European Research Council

Yes, at least 6 months after the start of the project.

See Open Research Data and Data Management Plans - Information for ERC grantees (European Research Council, 2022).

Template (European Research Council, n.d.)

Croatian funding institution

DMP requirements

DMP template

Croatian Science Foundation


Yes, a DMP template is available (.docx)

Finnish funding institution

DMP requirements

DMP template?

The Academy of Finland

Highly recommended.
The Academy of Finland requires that the data management plan is made using the DMP tool DMPTuuli.

Yes, via DMPTuuli (2017)

Business Finland

Highly recommended.

Yes, via DMPTuuli (2017)

The Finnish Foundation for Alcohol Studies

Highly recommended.

Recommends a DMP based on the requirements of the Finnish Academy
See 'best practices' (Academy of Finland, 2022)

Kone Foundation

Highly recommended.

No, but see more information Koneen Säätiö (n.d)

The Finnish Work Environment Fund

Highly recommended.


German funding institution

DMP requirements

DMP template?

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)

There is a general recommendation, but not a requirement. Requirements may be (and are) made on an individual program level.

See DFG Guidelines on the Handling of Research Data (n.d.).


Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)

There are no general requirements. Requirements are made on a "per call" basis (some calls have requirements, others don't).

See Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (n.d.).


Volkswagen Stiftung









Dutch funding institution

DMP requirements

DMP template?


Yes, both at grant submission and when the grant has been awarded.

Yes, see Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (2020) (.docx)


Yes, both at grant submission and when the grant has been awarded.

No, but for more information see Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen (n.d.)


At grant submission information on whether data will be reused or collected needs to be provided. Also, a final DMP is required when the grant has been awarded.

Yes, see ZonMW (n.d.)

North Macedonia funding institution

DMP requirements

DMP template

Ministry of education and science of North Macedonia



Norwegian funding institution

DMP requirements

DMP template?

Research council of Norway

Starting in 2018, all Research Council-funded projects that generate data will as a general rule need to have a data management plan (DMP).



Yes, during the project


The Research Council of Norway published their revised policy in December 2017, announcing that DMP requirements will be incorporated into calls for proposals starting in 2018. The main rule is that all Research Council-funded research projects that generate data must have a DMP. The DMP should be a living document that is updated throughout the project period, and should cover: which data are to be generated, how the data are to be described, where the data will be stored and whether and how they may be shared. The plan should be made public. The DMPs must be in place when projects submit their revised grant applications, but they will not be part of the Research Council’s application review process.
The institutions are responsible for determining how they will provide access to the data. Under certain circumstances, the Research Council will require storage of the data in specific national or international archives (e.g. at NSD - Norwegian Centre for Research Data).

Serbian funding institution

DMP requirements

DMP template?

Ministarstvo prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije (Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia),
Fond za nauku Republike Srbije (Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia)



Slovenian funding institution

DMP requirements

DMP template?

Slovenian Research Agency



Swedish funding institution

DMP requirements

DMP template?




Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (RJ)






Vetenskapsrådet (VR)



Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation



Marianne and Marcus Wallenberg Foundation



Marcus and Amalia Wallenberg Foundation






In Sweden, good data management is considered a key component for open access to research data, as well as a foundation for FAIR data. For the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet, VR), a data management plan is a requirement for an approved application for funding, for all applications as of 2019. Other national public research funding bodies also require data management plans in new calls for applications. This applies to Formas, Forte, and Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, which require a DMP to be set up when funding is granted.

VR has appointed a national reference group, consisting of researchers, representatives for universities, archives, libraries, and research funding bodies, to collaborate on the work on data management plans. The national reference group has four working groups. These groups address concepts and definitions, stakeholders, DMP users, and specifications for a national tool for data management plans. Work is already in progress for a national DMP tool, and the plan is to implement a first “light” version of the tool in December 2019.

The Swedish National Data Service provides a guide and a checklist for a data management plan.

Some universities across Sweden have, on their websites, recommendations on using SND’s checklist or other organisations’ DMP tools.

Swiss funding institution

DMP requirements

DMP template?

The Swiss National Science Foundation

Yes, as of October (2017), data management plans are an integral part of project funding applications submitted to the SNSF. The data management plans do not need to be finalised by the submission deadline. The submitted DMP is considered a notice of intention. It is a requirement for any transfer of funding. Researchers are encouraged to adapt its contents as the project evolves. A final version must be made available at the end of the grant and will then been made available on the SNSF’s P3 database. See the Guidelines for researchers (SNF, 2017).

Yes, see Data Management Plan (SNF, 2017)

UK funding institution

DMP requirements

DMP template?

Wellcome Trust

  • At grant submission
    A DMP should be provided for grant applications for projects that aim to create a database resource or will generate significant datasets that could be shared. For such an application, you need to include:
    • The data outputs your research will generate
    • When you intend to share your data
    • Where your data will be made available
    • How your data will be accessible to others
    • Whether limits to data sharing are required
    • How key datasets will be preserved
    • Resources required

See 'Developing an outputs management plan' (Wellcome (n.d.))

Yes, via DMP Online (Digital Curation Centre, 2017)

Economic and Social Research Council

Yes, at grant submission. See the ESRC Research Data Policy (ESRC, n.d.)

Yes, via DMPOnline (Digital Curation Centre, 2017)

Cancer Research UK

Yes, at grant submission

Yes (Cancer Research (n.d.)

Department for International Development

Yes, at grant submission

Yes (Department of International Development (2013))

Open Data and Open Science policies in Europe

For a snapshot of various Open Data and Open Science policies, as they currently stand throughout Europe, you can have a look at this report by SPARCEurope and the Digital Curation Centre (Sveinsdottir et al. 2021).