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Welcome and introduction presentation of the Responsible Open Science Workshop. This presentation...

This presentation focuses on the last two chapters of the Data Management Expert Guide outlining...

This presentation focuses on legal and ethical issues in Data Management with a particular focus...

As the leading Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives, CESSDA® offers a weal...

This CESSDA® Roadshow on 14 October 2021 is a deep dive on climate change research in the...

Durch die Corona-Pandemie hat sich das alltägliche Leben der Menschen und besonders der Familien...

The UK Data Service has recently launched the Changing Perceptions Challenge, a competition aimed...

DDI Profiles are formal, machine-actionable XML documents that specify additional constraints on...

This is the current public version of the User Guide for the CESSDA Metadata Model version 2.0. T...

The document contains a mapping of metadata elements of the CESSDA Data Catalogue to the CESSDA M...