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We’re pleased to announce the judges of the #ChangingPerceptionsChallenge, an exciting competitio...

This handbook is a modular resource that supports first-time educational video or podcast content...

This handbook is a modular resource that supports first-time educational video or podcast content...

You missed our webinar "Finding data, using it and creating new knowledge - COVID-19 studies...

You missed our webinar "Finding data, using it and creating new knowledge - COVID-19 studies...

Territorial borders and border control are back on the political agenda. Globalization has not le...

This month the UK Data Service Aggregate Data Unit will begin migrating its international data pl...

Es waren ereignis- und krisenreiche Amtsjahre, in denen Angela Merkel von 2005 bis 2021 Bundeskan...

The Metadata Harvester is a component for harvesting metadata made available by third parties usi...

This is the source code for the CMV Console component, which is a command line runner for the CES...