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This is the source code for the CDC Consumer Indexer, for metadata ingestion into Elasticsearch.T...

This is the source code for the Searchkit component, which is the web User Interface for CDC.The...

This is the source code for the Searchkit component, which is the web User Interface for CDC.The...

This is the source code for the CDC Consumer Indexer (an OSMH Consumer) for Metadata harvesting a...

The UK Data Service is pleased to have had two Q-Step interns working in the Computational Social...

This CESSDA® Roadshow on the Circular Economy brings together experts from service provid...

This CESSDA® Roadshow focuses on how CESSDA Data Catalogue® and Data Management E...

This time we introduce you to our Vienna location and present our GfK project. Sign up for our ne...

This time we introduce you to our Vienna location and present our GfK project. Sign up for our ne...

We’ve asked our #DataImpactFellows to respond to the theme of ‘communicating/translating data-dri...