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Neil Dymond-Green investigates how international macrodata in the UK Data Service collection is s...

Would you like to get to know some of the COVID-19 studies in our archive in more detail and lear...

We introduce some of the UK Data Service expertise being showcased as part of this week's NCRM Re...

This report specifies the data access categories that are to be implemented in the CESSDA Data Ca...

Have you ever wondered if a message you sent may be received as sexist? Did you ask yourself how...

Nadia Kennar, Research Associate from the UK Data Service, explains the benefits of creating rich...

As part of our celebrations for the tenth anniversary of the UK Data Service SecureLab, Richard W...

The standard definition of ‘family’ as a social unit living under one roof might be challenged in...

Survey data are the most widely used type of data in the quantitative social sciences. They have...

Helena Rosiecka continues our census series by discussing Census 2021 data outputs, including ori...