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Wie haben Schüler*innen die pandemiebedingten Schulschließungen erlebt? Und welche Ideen äußern s...

How have pupils experienced the school closures caused by the pandemic? And what ideas do they ha...

How have pupils experienced the school closures caused by the pandemic? And what ideas do they ha...

How have pupils experienced the school closures caused by the pandemic? And what ideas do they ha...

Der im Titel zitierte Aphorismus des Schweizer Politologen und Gesundheitsökonoms Dr. Gerhard Koc...

Louise Corti and Callum Barnes on the importance of recognising and celebrating impactful researc...

You want to support the Open Science movement, take care of the operation of a social science dat...

You want to support the Open Science movement, take care of the operation of a social science dat...

James O’Toole introduces the Smart Energy Research Lab – and its benefit to researchers. The en...

Stephanie Blanchard introduces the Office for National Statistics' approaches to ensuring individ...