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For the EU-Horizon 2020 project RI:TRAIN Plus, AUSSDA and the Empirical Social Research Unit at J...

Whether through lack of data availability or the onset of a global pandemic, sometimes research c...

Children are lucky: Every year, there are several occasions around the world when they are honore...

Dave Rawnsley and Chris Daly continue their exploration of usage of the UK Data Service's interna...

Dr Sarah Stopforth introduces a video presenting findings from the Ethnic Inequalities in Later L...

Dr Sarah Stopforth introduces a video presenting findings from the Ethnic Inequalities in Later L...

Louise Arsenault introduces the vision behind the Catalogue of Mental Health Measures.

Louise Arsenault introduces the vision behind the Catalogue of Mental Health Measures.

The UK Data Service is pleased to announce that Dave Rawnsley has been appointed as the new Senio...

The UK Data Service is pleased to announce that Dave Rawnsley has been appointed as the new Senio...