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Dave Rawnsley and Chris Daly explore usage of the UK Data Service's international and census data.

Dave Rawnsley and Chris Daly explore usage of the UK Data Service's international and census data.

Become part of our team and use your IT expertise to help shape our data archive for the social s...

AUSSDA is hiring: Are you interested in Open Science? Do you have experience in communication, pr...

This time, we apply multiple imputation to harmonize data for the same construct measured differe...

One year of the pandemic - that also means one year of data production. The AUSSDA project "...

One year of the pandemic - that also means one year of data production. The AUSSDA project "...

A year of the pandemic - that also means a year of data production. The AUSSDA project "COVI...

A year of the pandemic - that also means a year of data production. The AUSSDA project "COVI...

A year of the pandemic - that also means a year of data production. The AUSSDA project "COVI...