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Equipercentile equating is an alternative version of observed score equating that can accommodate...

The content of this report is intended for CESSDA SPs, aspiring CESSDA members, CESSDA MO, and an...

Oliver Duke-Williams and Vassilis Routsis explore changes in the census and the importance of ori...

Oliver Duke-Williams and Vassilis Routsis explore changes in the census and the importance of ori...

On 20 March, we celebrate the International Day of Happiness. The non-profit organization Action...

You are a lecturer and would like to work with a data set in your course that has restricted acce...

Jon Wroth-Smith, statistician at the Office for National Statistics, discusses how important the...

Jon Wroth-Smith, statistician at the Office for National Statistics, discusses how important the...

David Martin, one of the UK Data Service Deputy Directors, has worked since 1996 on the design of...

The CESSDA Data Catalogue is one of the flagship products of CESSDA (Consortium of European Socia...