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Mit Verbreitung des Corona-Virus sind etliche Studien und Projekte entstanden, die die Auswirkung...

Janet Bowstead, one of our Data Impact Fellows, discusses how networking opportunities, a vital p...

This is the source code for the OSMH repository handler for harvesting OAI-PMH Nesstar metadata f...

In the finale of season 1 of the blog series, I explore the idea to craft control variables that...

James Scott offers some insight into running the Secure Lab during the Covid-19 pandemic.

How are values and attitudes of people in different countries changing while COVID-19 is impactin...

How are values and attitudes of people in different countries changing while COVID-19 is impactin...

How are values and attitudes of people in different countries changing while COVID-19 is impactin...

How are values and attitudes of people in different countries changing while COVID-19 is impactin...

During Carers Week, Anne Alarilla, Fiona Grimm and Mai Stafford explored who was providing care d...