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Karen Mansfield explores the opportunties and challenges of data governance.

A workshop for PhD students on 5 and 6 May 2022, online and for free

How is research by the Living Wage Foundation (LFW) supporting their ‘Living Hours’ scheme and he...

How did the Austrian population live and work in 2021? How did their attitudes, values and opinio...

How did the Austrian population live and work in 2021? How did their attitudes, values and opinio...

This report addresses the local event in Poland organized by the CESSDA Widening Activities. The...

Report elaborating the further development of Resource Directory that aims to disseminate existin...

Report elaborating on the activities which took place within the Mentorship Programme and the New...

Get to know the AUSSDA team in Innsbruck and learn about the SSHOC Final Conference as well as ne...

Get to know the AUSSDA team in Innsbruck and learn about the SSHOC Final Conference as well as ne...