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AUSSDA publishes the first part of the social science archive of GfK Austria. The first 88 studie...

AUSSDA publishes the first part of the social science archive of GfK Austria. The first 88 studie...

AUSSDA publishes the first part of the social science archive of GfK Austria. The first 100 volum...

AUSSDA publishes the first part of the social science archive of GfK Austria. The first 100 volum...

AUSSDA publishes the first part of the social science archive of GfK Austria. The first 100 volum...

AUSSDA publishes the first part of the social science archive of GfK Austria. The first 100 volum...

AUSSDA publishes the first part of the social science archive of GfK Austria. The first 100 volum...

AUSSDA publishes the first part of the social science archive of GfK Austria. The first 100 volum...

Esmeralda Bon, one of our #DataImpactFellows, considers the benefits and pitfalls for academics o...

Before the turn of the year, we look back on 2019.