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The CESSDA Euro Question Bank (EQB) project provides a central search facility across all CESSDA&...

CESSDA CV-Manager is a tool that provides comprehensive functionalities to manage hierarchical co...

At EDDI15 the CESSDA Metadata Management (CMM) group presented the project which had just been st...

Belgium has recently decided to integrate the Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives...

Kuha2 is a metadata server that provides descriptive social science research metadata for harvest...

The Euro Question Bank (EQB) project will create a single point of access for survey questions ac...

So far, different DDI formats have been used at the GESIS Data Archive. The aim of the project D...

The new CESSDA Data Catalogue provides a unified multilingual search/browse interface to Social S...

As part of its efforts to promote good practice for own-use software development and help meet it...

AUSSDA publishes the first part of the social science archive of GfK Austria. The first 88 studie...