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Panel discussion webinar, where data protection experts from across Europe gave their views on wh...

CESSDA Metadata Standards Portfolio, outcome of CESSDA Metadata Management (CMM) Project, include...

This document includes guidelines for the usage of and best practice for the CESSDA Metadata Mode...

The Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives CESSDA is a distributed European Infrastr...

This tutorial will cover the aim and content of the DDI Controlled Vocabularies (CVs) and general...

Over the last couple of years, CESSDA has built-up and improved a comprehensive infrastructure th...

Over the last couple of years, CESSDA has built-up and improved a comprehensive infrastructure th...

In an era of open data and research data management movements, the research community is facing a...

Survey questions of different datasets in different languages from the CESSDA Service Providers w...

The CESSDA (Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives) Metadata Management project prod...