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This document is based on an extract from CESSDA Technical Architecture v1.0, May 2016. It was cr...

This document describes the general user experience for CESSDA ERIC tools and search applications...

The CESSDA Annual Report 2015 presents our organisation, activities and our plans for the future.

The CESSDA Annual Report 2018 covers activities and results of all of our working groups (trainin...

The ethical and legal issues relating to research process in social sciences involving human part...

Slides on CESSDA Webinar on EuroQuestionBankIn the first part of the webinar, a brief overview of...

The Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives (CESSDA) is a distributed research infras...

The ambition is to promote good software development practice across the Service Provider communi...

One of the projects for 2018 within the Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives (CESS...

The CESSDA Annual Report 2017 covers activities and results of all of our working groups (trainin...