Submitting materials

Submission Information Package (SIP)

When the Data archive receives data for archiving it is important that it is followed by information on content and other relevant information (metadata).

Following the OAIS reference model, during the ingest phase the content that was negotiated between data producers and the archive is submitted as a so-called submission information package (SIP).

Ways to submit materials

The content of this Submission Information Package requires that it is generally agreed upon between the data producer and the data archive before data is transmitted.

The SIP may have incomplete metadata. In addition to the before mentioned quality controls it is the archives task to collect or create missing metadata to transform the SIP into an archival information package (AIP), that is prepared for storage. In some cases the data must therefore be converted into formats suitable for archiving and dissemination.


How data and relevant material is transferred to data archives varies. Some archives have online depository solutions, while others use physical transmission media such as memory sticks or CD/DVD.

Some archives have self-deposit solutions where the data producer can deposit data and required documentation online.

Submitting materials examples from CESSDA member archives: