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The CESSDA Data Catalogue (CDC) allows the research community to search and browse metadata on so...

The European Language Social Science Thesaurus (ELSST) is a broad-based, multilingual thesaurus f...

Richard Welpton explores what makes a good data steward and how his experience working at the UK...

Louise Corti explores the challenges of ensuring longitudinal survey data is classified appropria...

Post 1 in the series “Adventures in ex-post harmonization” Ex-post harmonization – combining data...

A blog post series on harmonizing data from different surveys. In this series of blog posts, we w...

This report summarizes the relevant information on the CESSDA Metadata Office webinar as an addit...

Presentation on Tips for Trainers presented during the Open Science and Research Data Management...

Presentation on the CESSDA Data Management Expert Guide presented during the Open Science and Res...

The UK Data Service welcomes the UK Government's National Data Strategy. We introduce some of the...