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Accompanying the growing importance of research data management, the provision and maintenance of...

The UK Data Service welcomes Open Data Manchester's Declaration for responsible and intelligent d...

James Cockett, one of our #DataImpactFellows, discusses research he undertook with colleagues at...

Eine wichtige Herausforderung der sozialwissenschaftlichen Umfrageforschung besteht darin, nicht...

Stuart Mills concludes his series on data policy theory, exploring simulcara, doppelgangers and h...

This policy was agreed by the CESSDA General Assembly on 14 June 2016.

With the Democracy Radar, Flooh Perlot and his team at the Austrian Democracy Lab analyse the att...

With the Democracy Radar, Flooh Perlot and his team at the Austrian Democracy Lab analyse the att...

With the Democracy Radar, Flooh Perlot and his team at the Austrian Democracy Lab analyse the att...

With the Democracy Radar, Flooh Perlot and his team at the Austrian Democracy Lab analyse the att...