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Patty Doran introduces a recent co-produced event which explored how different types of data can...

Within the SSHOC project, the open source repository software Dataverse will be adapted to the Eu...

Migration research faces many methodological challenges. This is already true when the focus is o...

The CESSDA Annual Report 2019 covers activities and results of all of our working groups (trainin...

Everyone is talking about Open Science – but how does it affect every one of us, and what does so...

Everyone is talking about Open Science – but how does it affect every one of us, and what does so...

Everyone is talking about Open Science – but how does it affect every one of us, and what does so...

Everyone is talking about Open Science – but how does it affect every one of us, and what does so...

Everyone is talking about Open Science – but how does it affect every one of us, and what does so...

Everyone is talking about Open Science – but how does it affect every one of us, and what does so...