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Libby Bishop, Manager, Producer Relations: Research Ethics at the UK Data Service updates us on t...

Ralph Cochrane of gives and update on the ESRC Innovation Fund project focused o...

Images are a powerful medium for reflecting reality and also identifying bias. For example,...

Susan Noble, Service Manager for international data and Celia Russell, Senior Data Specialist at...

Matthew Woollard, Director of the UK Data Service, discusses The Guardian's celebration of the to...

Matthew Woollard, Director of the UK Data Service, discusses the responses to the ONS consultatio...

Evidence-based social policy depends on access to rich supplies of high-quality data. But how can...

In this blog, originally published on JISC's Research Data Management blog, Louise Corti and Ric...

We're all things technical! Fiona Cameron, Application Developer at the UK Data Service, discusse...

Daniel Laurison and Mike Savage, Department of Sociology, London School of Economics, discuss t...