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Susan Noble, Service Manager for international data at the UK Data Service talks about the import...

Stephen Farrall, Deputy Head of the School of Law and Professor of Criminology at the University...

Louise Corti, the UK Data Service's Director of Collection Development and Producer Relations dis...

Celia Russell and Susan Noble, international data experts at the UK Data Service highlight the UN...

On November 17th, 2015 the fourth part of the DINI–nestor workshop series dedicated to the manage...

Anne Solon, data manager for Young Lives, discusses computer-assisted personal interviewing for d...

Matthew Woollard presents his response to the Commons Science and Technology Select Committee inq...

Celia Russell, the UK Data Service’s International Data Specialist discusses the first population...

As part of our suite of posts on big data, the UK Data Service's Louise Corti, Associate Director...

In October we had the opportunity to participate in the annual workshop of the Data Documentation...