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This blog is co-written with our former colleague Laurence Horton (London School of Economics and...

A recommendation published by the German Rectors‘ Conference (Hochschulrektorenkonferenz, HRK) as...

Horizon 2020[i] is the European Union’s latest research and innovation funding programme, making...

I’ve just spent a moment looking at guidelines [PDF] from the UK’s National Environment Research...

What follows are summaries of presentations and discussions. They are my summaries, so any misrep...

There used to be a comedy show on TV that featured a character who described everything as either...

Last week, we ran our first ever digital preservation workshop here at GESIS in Cologne, entitled...

Applying the Kübler-Ross model[1] to researchers and data sharing, based on various attitudes and...

Applying the Kübler-Ross model[1] to researchers and data sharing, based on various attitudes and...

Applying the Kübler-Ross model[1] to researchers and data sharing, based on various attitudes and...