Webinar: Harmonised data for comparative research
Date: 15 June 2020
Video: Comparative social science research requires comparable data across countries. This CESSDA webinar explores sources of harmonised comparative data and methods and tools for harmonising data. Hosted by Jen Buckley from the UK Data Service, the session includes two expert speakers. Professor Irina Tomescu-Dubrow discusses methodology that the Survey Data Recycling Project develops to harmonize ex-post data pooled from cross-national survey projects in the social sciences. Then, Dr Kristi Winters (GESIS) addresses how we should approach documenting data harmonisation work, including a description of CharmStats , an open-source software that enables researchers to simultaneously perform and document the process of variable coding and harmonization.
- The material from the webinar (slides and video) is available for download
- Additionally, an Information sheet by Jan Buckle accompanies this CESSDA webinar and details major sources of harmonised data and provides references for those looking to harmonise existing data sources as part of a research project