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In the project "Strategies, Images and Issues in Political TV Interviews 1981-2016" mor...

In the project "Strategies, Images and Issues in Political TV Interviews 1981-2016" mor...

In the project "Strategies, Images and Issues in Political TV Interviews 1981-2016" mor...

In the project "Strategies, Images and Issues in Political TV Interviews 1981-2016" mor...

As we invite applications for new #DataImpactFellows, we find out what current Impact Fellows hav...

Rachel Oldroyd, one of our Data Impact Fellows, introduces us to the Digital Health Network, whos...

The AUSSDA Dataverse User Guide explains important terms related to our digital archive (with pic...

The AUSSDA Dataverse User Guide explains important terms related to our digital archive (with pic...

The AUSSDA Dataverse User Guide explains important terms related to our digital archive (with pic...

The AUSSDA Dataverse User Guide explains important terms related to our digital archive (with pic...