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Nina Heyden, a US student on a Fulbright fellowship at the University of Essex, won the universit...

Laura J Brown has used two British cohort studies to explore how environmental circumstances impa...

We're celebrating the launch of our refreshed international data platform with a review of recent...

Lewis Westbury explains how Police Rewired - a voluntary group - used data from the Crime Survey...

Sean Semple and Linsay Gray have been analysing data on second-hand smoke and discovering that a...

One of our #DataImpactFellows, Oliver Exton, discusses his experiences teaching undergraduates ho...

We introduce our panel of judges for our prestigious Data Impact Fellow programme (applications o...

In the project "Strategies, Images and Issues in Political TV Interviews 1981-2016" mor...

In the project "Strategies, Images and Issues in Political TV Interviews 1981-2016" mor...

In the project "Strategies, Images and Issues in Political TV Interviews 1981-2016" mor...