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This case study from the UK Data Service examines how the economic impact study of the Economic a...

The Return on Investment Factsheet explains return on investment (ROI) and how it is used; the ke...

The CESSDA SaW project “Strengthening and widening the European infrastructure for soci...

The costs factsheet is designed to help data archives understand the range of cost tools availabl...

The CESSDA SaW Benefits Summary for a Data Archive is a social science specific implementation of...

This user guide provides an overview of the the CESSDA SaW Cost-Benefit Advocacy Toolkit componen...

This case study from the Lithuanian Data Archive for Social Sciences and Humanities (LiDA) report...

The Archive Development Canvas (Detailed Version) is the CESSDA SaW implementation of the Busines...

This toolkit is comprised of: A User Guide; Three Factsheets (Benefits, Costs, and Return on I...

This case study from the Slovenian Social Science Data Archives (ADP) examines user satisfaction...