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This is the source code for the Searchkit component, which is the web User Interface for CDC.The...

This is the source code for the OSMH repository handler for harvesting OAI-PMH metadata format.T...

This is the source code for the OSMH repository handler for harvesting OAI-PMH Nesstar metadata f...

This is the source code for the CDC Consumer Indexer (an OSMH Consumer) for Metadata harvesting a...

Building on the results of the Virtual Stakeholders’ Forum (D2.1) and the Platform Cont...

Presentation at CESSDA Workshop: Persistent Identification within CESSDA

This case study from the Finnish Social Science Data Archive (FSD) on using cost and benefit tool...

The Benefits Factsheet sets out key approaches you can use to think about and identify benefits f...

Presentation at CESSDA Workshop: Persistent Identification within CESSDA

Presentation at CESSDA Wokshop: Persistent identification within CESSDA