Thu 4 Nov 2021 10:00
Event type:


Target Group(s):

Data professionals

Skill level(s):



Online / any




GESIS - Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences

Webinar on “User Experience with FAIR evaluation tools and services, for example the ‘FAIR Evaluation Services’ test (informally known as the Wilki...

In this webinar, the panelists provide their experiences with the tests they have used to evaluate the FAIRness of their metadata, the measures they took to improve their FAIRness score, and recommendations to others who would like to improve their score using FAIRness evaluation tests. The presentations will be followed by a Q&A session.

Improving the FAIRness of metadata holdings and scoring sufficiently high in FAIRness evaluation tests becomes more and more critical. So far, not all Service Providers have worked with such tests (as, for example, the F-UJI test, or the Wilkinson’s FAIR test, etc.) but are eager to learn more about it.

This event starts on November 04 at 10:00 CET. Registration is available for CESSDA members and partners only.