CESSDA Persistent Identification Task Force established
Being able to unambiguously locate and access digital data resources and then associate them with the related metadata is becoming more and more essential in the current digital era.
This will allow the citation, retrieval and preservation of these data in a reliable manner. Past CESSDA projects have shown that there is a need to introduce the use of persistent identification (PID) for data since maintaining and resolving PID is seen as a must for repository systems with a long-term strategy.
With regard to this, CESSDA held a workshop on PID within CESSDA. The workshop took place on 18-19 February 2016 at GESIS in Cologne, Germany.
The workshop aimed to set the stage for developing a joint CESSDA PID Policy, which not only contributes to the cooperation and exchange of data between the different research institutes active in the social sciences, but also facilitates the access to data for data users all over Europe. The workshop also served as a platform to discuss the results of work carried out in recent months on the use of PID by GESIS, as well as to provide an overview of the general status quo concerning the use of PID within CESSDA.
Read the full article here.
Consult the agenda and the presentations from the workshop here.
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