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On November 23, AUSSDA gives a workshop on data management at the University of Graz. Researchers...

On November 23, AUSSDA gives a workshop on data management at the University of Graz. Researchers...

On November 23, AUSSDA gives a workshop on data management at the University of Graz. Researchers...

On November 23, AUSSDA gives a workshop on data management at the University of Graz. Researchers...

Dharmi Kapadia, one of our Data Impact Fellows, explores how teaching students has changed some o...

Bram Vanhoutte, Research Fellow in Sociology from the University of Manchester, and Neil Dymond-G...

Claudia Zucca and Esemeralda Bon, two of our Data Impact Fellows, begin a series exploring how th...

On 12th October 2018, the Platform for Surveys, Methods and Empirical Analyses (PUMA) presented t...

On 12th October 2018, the Platform for Surveys, Methods and Empirical Analyses (PUMA) presented t...

On 12th October 2018, the Platform for Surveys, Methods and Empirical Analyses (PUMA) presented t...