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This report provides information on the CESSDA SaW Final Conference “Strengthening and...

This report presents results of Task 2.1 "Virtual Stakeholders' Forum" – an o...

The 2nd Periodic Delivery Report informs about the achievement of milestones and other outputs pr...

The task reviewed the state of play regarding specific data domains (data provided by academia, o...

The 2nd Periodic Administrative Report informs about the use of resources and financial managemen...

This deliverable contains the second output of task 3.3 – national development plans fo...

The 1st Periodic Delivery Report informs about the achievement of milestones and other outputs pr...

Building on the results of the Virtual Stakeholder’s Forum (D2.1), this report details...

The CESSDA SaW Capability Development Model (CESSDA-CDM) is a structured collection of elements t...

This report provides information about the 2nd SaW project workshop aiming at the current members...