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Karen Hurrell from the Equality and Human Rights Commission, and panellist for #DataImpact2021, e...

ursprünglich erschienen in “Crisis Interviews“, herausgegeben von Thomas Siurkus und Nicole Deite...

Dr Bożena Wielgoszewska, one of our #DataImpactFellows, discusses the recent research she has und...

The Covid-19 pandemic has thrust scientists and science explainers into the public eye. Although...

The ELSST Team share some innovations for the European Language Social Science Thesaurus.

If you want to be updated about new data sets, projects and events by the AUSSDA, you can now reg...

If you want to be updated about new data sets, projects and events by the AUSSDA, you can now reg...

If you want to be updated about new data sets, projects and events by the AUSSDA, you can now reg...

If you want to be updated about new data sets, projects and events by the AUSSDA, you can now reg...

If you want to be updated about new data sets, projects and events by the AUSSDA, you can now reg...