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Emily Thomas, Trainee Data Reviewer at the Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS), outlines...

Claudia Zucca, UK Data Service Data Impact Fellow and Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher working...

Marii Paskov, UK Data Service Data Impact Fellow and Research Officer at the University of Oxford...

Sarah Knight, UK Data Service Data Impact Fellow and PhD student in the Environment Department of...

Dharmi Kapadia, UK Data Service Data Impact Fellow, shares the outcomes of her new role as Q-Step...

Following the success of last year’s competition, the UK Data Service launched the 2017 Dissertat...

Bram Vanhoutte, UK Data Service Data Impact Fellow and Research Fellow in Sociology at The Univer...

Rachel Oldroyd, UK Data Service Data Impact Fellow and Quantitative Human Geographer at the Unive...

Louise Corti, Director of Collections Development and Producer Relations at the UK Data Service,...

Libby Bishop, Producer Relations Manager and expert on the ethics of re-using data and informed c...