Past events
This introductory webinar is intended for anyone who wants to learn about research data management. Data management is essential to make sure that well organised, well documented, high quality and shareable research data result from your research project.
This free webinar, organised by the UK Data Service, will take you through the research process of a secondary analysis project, which includes an overview of the methodological, ethical, and procedural issues.
In tihs webinar, participants will hear about the key issues in secondary analysis as a method. The introductory session will briefly cover the pros and cons of reusing data and the importance of learning about the origins of your data.
This free webinar, organised by the UK Data Service, will demonstrate how Power Pivot can be used to accomplish both of these tasks. At the same time in Excel proper we will show how the new dynamic array functions can also be used to simplify Excel tasks.
The 46th annual conference of the International Association for Social Science Information Services and Technology (IASSIST) will be held in Gothenburg, Sweden from 19 to 22 May 2020.
This introductory webinar is intended for anyone who wants to hear about finding data from the UK Data Service. Participants will be given a practical overview of the tools that the service provides, particularly our data catalogue to help you to make the most of your data searches.
The UK Data Service holds the UK’s largest collection of research data. This introductory webinar is for anyone with an interest in social research who wants to hear about the vast array of resources we offer.
Accompanying the growing importance of research data management, the provision and maintenance of metadata have obtained a key role in contextualizing, understanding, and preserving research data. Acknowledging the importance of metadata in the social sciences, the Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives (CESSDA) ERIC started the Metadata Office project in 2019. This webinar introduces the CESSDA Metadata Office (MDO) and its various activities. A special focus of the webinar will be on the CESSDA Metadata Model (CMM).
This free 6-weeks course focus on Open Science for researchers. In this course, you will learn the objectives, main concepts, and benefits of Open Science principles along with practices for open data management and open data sharing.
This free webinar, organised by the UK Data Service, delineates the value, logic and process of capturing data stored in online databases through an API (application programming interface).